Strength to Stand 2025

Over the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend a group of sixteen leaders and students attended the Strength to Stand Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. This is always a life changing weekend that our student ministry has been attending for years! Every year students and adults return with testimonies of God working and making changes in their lives. Here are a few of those testimonies from Strength to Stand 2025:

"It was the best two days of my life! Good music and great speakers!" - Caleb Black

"This year has by far been one of my favorite years that I’ve went. Tauren wells was my favorite speaker because what he had to say is exactly what God knew I needed to hear! At some point in life growth becomes an option and you have to figure what situations you have to get out of in order for you to grow your faith in God and your surrounds have a huge impact in that. Seeing that many people worship God is so heartwarming and inspiring! BADDIE BEARS OF BIG BRANCH FOREVER!!" - Makya Finley

"Every year the Strength to Stand Conference is one of my favorite weekends. It's also the most spiritually moving weekend. It deeply impacts me being able to worship to some of my favorite artist and engage in amazing sermons with some of my best friends. This year's sermons were some of my favorites so far. Tauren Wells spoke on growth. This can be growing out of the thing such as toxic friendships and old habits or growing in/with things such growing faith and spiritual friendships. He also made a statement that said "You can't be your best self by yourself." You need Jesus and godly friendships that will help you grow into your best self." - Bailey Sloan

"This weekend showed the excitement and wonder in praising God alongside others! Yet it also reminded me that when the concert is over and me and my peers are sent out into the world, true fulfillment in our walks with him means resisting the temptation to be like all the other teenagers. It means loving others and God with humility and self-control, more than we love our worldly pursuits-appearances, sexuality, and entertainment. I know from experience that it is a challenge. But I've also found that it brings joy that is meaningful. Most importantly, it brings God glory, and He deserves it!" - Noelle Sheret

"Strength to Stand 2025 was an experience and opportunity I won't forget.  Seeing hundreds praise Jesus and witnessing growth among your own group was awesome.  I heard a first time prayer before a meal from our youth.  A young adult during our hotel room church service gave my most memorable sermon of the weekend.  I thank the church for sending us all to have more strength to stand and walk this walk.  Thank you Alex Beelen for your time and effort away from your own home." - Kyle Newman

"Strength to Stand is always such an awesome experience. Seeing so many join together to worship - especially to be mostly young adults. Watching our youth group join together and engage in the hotel room church service was inspiring. I'm so thankful for Alex and this group of youth/adults!" - Erica Allen

"I will try to keep it short! STS 25' was a beautiful, awe fulfilling experience! I am so super grateful to have had the opportunity to go and get to know the youth and leaders more intimately. It was truly a blessing to see the youth of this generation so excited to hear the Word of God and the boldness they had in expressing their faith! Amazing!! My favorite part was coming together in the evenings to hear the youth share what they've learned through each message and seeing them each individually grow through their relationship with one another in the presence of God! It has truly left me awe struck! I cannot wait to see what more the Lord has in store for the future of His Church! Thank you to all who were apart of making this trip possible and to all the Leaders for their commitment! Love you all dearly! Thank you so much for having me." - Landen Gallion 

"Yet another year of being in awe. This weekend is one of my favorite yearly trips. I love spending time getting to know the teens and other leaders of BBC. I know it is a teen conference, but I always come away learning new things and ways to help me understand the scriptures the speakers focus on. So many times, we don't give teens the credit they deserve in church. They are listening and learning and I am so proud of them. Thousands of believers united in one place to praise Jesus, something everyone should experience. Thank you to Alex and Stephanie for holding our teens together through these past months. As a parent of one of those teens, I am so grateful. I love you all!" - Kerry Sloan

"Where do I even begin? I was awestruck at the coming together of teens for the glory of God. It was so heartwarming to see our teens worship, sing their hearts out, raise hands in the presence of their peers. 
I will never forget the wisdom shared in our "little church service" or how the message was received by the teens. 
We have AMAZING youth led by faith filled adults. It was an experience that I will cherish always. Thank you Beelens for sharing this experience with me." - Doralyn Mount

Thank you Big Branch Church for your prayers and generosity to make this trip a life changing experience for our Big Branch Students! 

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